Connecting South Australia’s Energy & Resources innovation ecosystem.

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In South Australia we have a local energy and resources industry well-placed to lead the world in innovation, and where it is widely accepted that true innovation will drive the next wave of productivity gains and financial growth. Our goal at CORE is to foster an environment where innovation thrives and where innovators are actively supported to develop the technologies of tomorrow.

The CORE Innovation Ecosystem Map has been created to provide information and connection to the South Australian energy and resources community. Identifying the key players in any sector is a key step to facilitating collaboration. We have openly sourced the first round of data from the community. But as with any ecosystem, it’s a living, evolving resource and we encourage you to contribute to the Map by adding your venture if it’s not been identified already.


“CORE’s mission is to connect industry, academics, government and innovators to collaborate with intent on challenges across the energy and resources sector”

Renee Hakendorf, CORE Innovation Hub

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Core Innovation Hub

Lot Fourteen, North Terrace,
Adelaide Tonsley Innovation District,


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© 2020 CORE Hub Pty Ltd